Using the Seeker Tool to Trace Exact Locations in Kali Linux
Kali Linux, a popular penetration testing and ethical hacking distribution, comes equipped with a vast array of tools that can be used for various purposes. One such tool is Seeker, which allows you to trace the exact location of a user when they click on a specially crafted link. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the Seeker tool in Kali Linux for location tracking.
Disclaimer: It's crucial to use tools like Seeker responsibly and ethically. Always obtain proper consent before attempting any form of tracking or monitoring. Unauthorized tracking may violate privacy laws.
What is Seeker?
A seeker is an open-source tool that leverages some common web vulnerabilities to obtain the precise location of a user. It does this by tricking the user into clicking on a link generated by the Seeker tool. Once the user clicks the link, Seeker captures their GPS coordinates, IP address, and other relevant information, which can then be used to pinpoint their location.
Installing Seeker
you can start using Seeker, you need to install it on your Kali Linux machine.
Here's how you can do that:
Open a terminal window in Kali Linux.
the Seeker repository from GitHub by running the following command:
Change the directory to the Seeker folder:
Run the setup script to install the required dependencies:
Using Seeker
you have Seeker installed, you can start using it to track locations. Follow
these steps:
Seeker by running:
The seeker will present you with a menu of options. To create a tracking link, choose
option 2: "Create a tracking link using a generated or custom
You can choose from various templates, or you can create a custom one. The tool will generate a unique link for you.
Share the generated link with your target user. This link could be shared via email, social media, or any other means of communication.
When the user clicks on the link, Seeker will capture their location data, including latitude and longitude.
You can access the captured location information by selecting option 3: "Find the location of a tracking link."
Ethical Considerations
It's crucial to reiterate the importance of ethical usage of tools like Seeker. Tracking someone's location without their consent can have serious legal and ethical consequences. Always ensure that you have explicit permission from the user before using any tracking tools, even for educational or research purposes.
Seeker tool in Kali Linux is a powerful utility for tracing the exact location
of users who click on specially crafted links. However, it should only be used
for legitimate and ethical purposes, such as educating users about the risks
associated with clicking on unknown links or conducting authorized security
assessments. Irresponsible or unauthorized use of such tools can lead to legal
issues and breaches of privacy. Always use these tools responsibly and within
the boundaries of the law.